Anime Review: One Punch Man (Plot, Effects on the society and Future Prediction) Review #2

Anime Review #2:- One Punch Man (9.1/10)

Hey guys, here I am once again with my reviews on another amazing anime series, waiting to be read by you.

Suppose, in a nice morning, a person forcing his eyelids to move up so that some light can enter his eyes eventually leading to the formation of things present in his room, but what he perceives first is an ugly looking villain’s punch skidding towards him with extreme force breaking through the front wall.

Now, the question is what will he do? You must be getting many spontaneous ideas popping in your mind right now.

Well, the only thing he does, is bringing his left hand to the yawning position meanwhile the right hand, no I should say, the right fist touching the villain, makes him explode like a cracker.
Yeahhh, badass.

So, now it must be clear to you, that I am going to review the anime series “One Punch Man”.

So first, here is the plot guys:-


One punch man” created by the Madhouse Production, basically revolves around, a a young man named Saitama, having a hobby of being a hero and saving people from villains. Sounds quite normal like any other typical anime, but it’s not.

Saitama, our protagonist, had only one dream from his childhood, to become a hero. To fulfill that, he worked his ass off for three years at a stretch. Eventually, making him so strong that what he only needs to defeat any villain is only one punch.

In the world of heroes and villains, the hero association has characterized the heroes as C, B, A, and S class with different ranks in each class. Being so powerful, Saitama could easily make a place among the top of S class heroes, but he is not.
The reason behind that you have to find yourself.

Living a boring life brought by his overwhelming strength gets somewhat spicy and twisty when a 19-year-old boy, Genos, a cyborg, requests him to be his disciple.

Now what awaits him in his uncertain and quite a strong future, check out the series.


Knowledge, Book, Library, Glasses, Textbook

Being one of the people’s favorites at a global level, it might have achieved its goal, but like any other thing, if it has pros then it has cons too. And, here I am going to talk about both thoroughly.

One Punch Man is an action-comedy anime, with an overpowered main character but what makes it distinguishable from other series of this genre is that the main character is not known by the public. 

Though he has saved people a lot of times, he is not famous. Regardless of this fact, this series is basically a parody of the shounen genre, where a protagonist works hard to beat the villain.

This anime contains amazing sounds, graphics, and art pieces. Madhouse has literally worked hard on this one. The scenes, let it be flowing water, the background, the heroes and villains even the ordinary people wandering, each and everything has the capability to drown the viewer in its astonishing environment.

Talking about the plot, it is really good despite being a parody. Though, what gets it down is the fact that the comedy and fights here become quite predictable at the beginning of the series. One may not feel the hilariousness of the jokes and become quite bored. Which sometimes slides it into a “slice of life” genre.

As for the fights, season one has been awesome. Last fight “Saitama Vs Boros” was damn amazing. The scenes and blows, every aspect was taken care of.

Though, season two might get the curiosity down of the viewers, as there are not much of Saitama’s brawling scenes, but it will also keep you puffed up with its own twists and new characters. Now, I don’t want to publish out any spoilers, so let’s just it here.

But as for me, in total, this series was really awesome and you definitely have to watch it.

Effects on Society:-

Being an anime of this decade, many people might think of irrational and frustrating scenes before watching this anime. But let me be clear, this does not contain any sexual, nudity, and abusive content. It's totally transparent with nearly no fan service and any other unwanted content for children.

This anime is quite suitable for every age group as it makes you laugh hard with intermined dialogues and funny characters. It makes you feel chilled and helps to vanish the piled up tension on your mind.

As for morals, it definitely teaches you that hard work is the only option to achieve your dream and help needy people. It also opens your eyes to the ranking system and its unavoidable cons.

Sometimes, though you have got prestigious talent resulted from your hard work, still you might not get what you dreamt of. This condition is of Saitama, still he never gave up. Similarly, don’t you dare to give up until you get what you want?

Future/Present Work:-

Board, School, Immediately, Soon, Equal, In The Future

Till now, season 2 of “One punch man” has been aired followed by some OVAs. The story has indulged some awesome new characters and uncovered some old relations. Characters have evolved, have become strong and more compatible.

As for the manga work, I am not going to say anything.

For the future, we all are waiting for some irreplaceable fights, as for me, I am eagerly waiting for the uncovering of “BLAST” and a fight between “BLAST VS SAITAMA”.

Though, with this one, I wanna see “Saitama Vs Monster king” and other Saitama’s fights, that I know are going be damn amazing.


Stars, Rating, Travel, Four, Hotel, Quality


As for you all, comment if you are satisfied with the review after watching the series and do give your own ratings too.

Don’t forget to follow this blog for more amazing content.

Signing off.


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