Anime story-1, Chapter-1, Section-2. Story#1.

Refer the first section for the story so far:-
The story continues...


Haru arrived at his room, streaming upstairs swiftly. Usually, it was a square room filled with emotions projecting photographs of his family nailed on the front wall, a bed lying on the corner placed opposite to a study table with showcasing some mangas on it.

But at that moment, the mangas were distorted on the wooden floor, clothes ripped apart, photos lying on the bed as if it was broadcasting the chaos befell on Haru, familiarizing his parent’s death.
He packed all the important and relevant stuff with a photo of his parents dear to his heart and moved down.

“Have you packed all the things”, Aunt asked with a heavy voice.

“Yes, I’ve”, he shot back, with a bag on his back.

Aunt approached Haru, laid a hand on his head with caring eyes, kissed his forehead. Haru hugged her tightly. Tears fell down on both sides.

“Take care of yourself. We’ll meet soon”, Aunt, sighed heavily.

 “Hmm... I’ll”, Haru looked at her with watering eyes.

“I guess, it’s time to leave, now”, Izumi proposed.

Aunt and Haru, leave each other’s side and Haru take steps towards the gate. Picking the bag up, they proceed for their upcoming venturesome journey.

As they set off, Haru’s observation took flight. It was his first time on any journey.

Streets, built of concrete blocks, paving the path for uncountable people and connecting buildings, homes and other men cultivated places, with vehicles running over them. Soon, it turned into desolated avenue with woods and hills emerging insight.

As the distance increased, Haru’s stamina began touching the ground, making his legs heavier. Paths through the hills turned into a big complicated hurdle for him. He started warbling.

“Son, are you okay? Guess you have reached your limit”, Izumi exclaimed, after observing him.

“No, it’s nothing, I can still walk”, he responded.

 Haru didn’t want Izumi to think of him like a load.

“Don’t hide it from me. I can sense your fatigue. We will rest here for a while, till then I’ll get something to eat”, he felt concerned for Haru.

Izumi left swiftly. Haru sat on a neighboring stone, moving his head down, till he reached his lap, breathing deeply and tried to relax.

In a different continent, a huge man having a brawny, barrel-chested figure like a dark Hercules, kicking the floor with enormous force while moving, opens an ajar door.

“Sir, I have a piece of news regarding that boy of the prophecy”, informed the person sitting in the massive hall, curved with attractive designs, lighten up by the fire in the fire pit.

“What is the news?... Did you get him?”, a heavy voice, like a thunder strike his ears streaming through the dim light.

“No Sir, our spies are tracking him and they just sent info that he is traveling with the Master of Kyoto( continent name), right now.”, he responded.

“What?”, with a shocking voice.

“Listen, kill that boy first, as soon as you find him alone, but leave that Master Izumi. He’s mine.”, he ordered with orotund voice.

“As you order, Sir”, bowed down and left the hall, closing the door.

Haru, still in the same position, trying to catch his breath. His relaxing mind came to senses as soon as he felt the wind striking his face, and at the next blink of his eyes, two people were standing before him.

One with a stout and stocky body, another quite tall and big-boned structure. Their auras were quite strong as if they were only born for battles.

“Boy, It’s time for you to die now”, one of them shouted aloud.

Haru shivered, his mind gone blank. Couldn’t think of anything except call for help.

“Help... Someone help... Please help me... help...”, he cried for help.

The other man, stretched his fully matured anaconda like arm's to grab Haru’s scruff.
To dodge his grasp, Haru unintentionally rolled over that rough rock, he was sitting on.
The other man accelerated swiftly and ended up being behind the rock before Haru’s touching the grass.

He clutched his wrist, and the next second, two back to back vigorous punches, cutting the air hit his face turning it into puffed up plums.

“Some... o... ne... hel...p... h...el...p...”, he requested unconsciously, blood coming out of the bruises like pulp coming out of a broken leaf.

 He was done, hopes vanished totally, waiting for his death only.

“Guess it’s time to end this game, now”, the man squawked.

“But I didn’t get a turn to play with him”, the other man shot back.

“We don’t have time,  we have to get back soon, after finishing him”, he shouted aloud. He threw Haru off of the hill, streaming through empty space.

Falling like a ripen fruit off of a tree. Haru vanished, suddenly.

“What happened?... where did he go? I just threw him... Where did he vanish to?”, he questioned the other man.

“I don’t know, he was there a moment ago”, he exclaimed.

“You rest here, I’m just coming back”, Izumi comforted unconscious Haru, laid him on the grass and moved towards the men, with red eyes as if thousands of volcanoes were erupting at a single place.

“You have done the biggest mistake of your lousy little lives”, he erupted and vanished in mid-air.
  “Aww..ww....w...”, two enormously powered punches hit their diaphragm-abdomen area, out of nowhere, leaving them in their standing position, having blood spewing out of their mouth.

The ground turned red like it was sun’s redness reflecting.

“He’s using the power of the first gate, we have to get back now”, taller one, barely commented.

“You ain’t going anywhere, not until you’re dead”, Izumi roared with anger.

A foot came from the pavement and hit them in the face, led by back to back punches, strong enough to break their bones while tearing their muscles apart.

Their bodies swelled up, blood was pouring out, bones cracked, tooths gone and unconsciously lying on the battleground.

“I’ll kill you both... You’ll die here...”, still exasperated.

“No, don’t kill them, Master. That’s enough now. Please spare them...”, Haru barely requested, with a thin voice, eyes opened ajar.

“I’ll end this, here itself”, standing firm, dissolved in his anger.

“Master, please listen to me, if you’ll kill them then what will be the difference between them and us. Spare them, Master... Please...”, he pleaded.

The words from Haru worked as ice on fire, to get Izumi calmed down.

“Tell your boss, if he even tries to get close to Haru, I’ll bring absolute death to all of you”, he shouted.

Izumi moved to Haru swiftly, observing his terrible condition, grasped him up on his back, holding him tightly and the next second, vanished into air. 

Previous chapter :-
Chapter-1, Section-1.

What happened after this incident?
Will Haru survive or it will be his end...
Stay tuned to find out... 

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