Top 10 reasons why humans can go extinct

Such a beautiful planet our Earth is. From the northern lights to in numerous hill stations. Innumerous and rare species of plants as well as animals. The beauty of our planet is just so good to be true, yet it is the reality. Frankly speaking, even if try to write about the beauty of our planet words won't be enough, all I can do is try to depict it in a picture. 

A still from my trip to Kasol, India.

 Just have a look at the pic and this is just a glimpse of the beauty of our planet. These places are such places that are not at all altered by human constructions this is what our planet offers us naturally.

Even thinking about the possibility of human race extinction gives me goosebumps, the possibility that there will be no next generation to enjoy the beauty of our planet will be the worst nightmare one could have. But it is not an impossible thing if we humans don't take precautions to these threats. Let's look at some of the possible reasons which may lead to human race extinction...

Top 10 Reasons  Humans could go extinct

10.Grey Goo

Grey Goo is a hypothetical phenomenon involving molecular nanotechnology in which self-replicating machines out of control consume all the available bio-mass of the earth while building more of their kind. This phenomenon will be called as ecophagy (eating the habitation).
The term first coined by K.Eric Drexler a nanotechnology pioneer in his book Engines of Creation. While there is a very low possibility for phenomena to occur but we can't ignore its possibility. It is predicted that these self-replicating machines will come into being only by accidental wrong programming or accidental designing. 
Precautions must be taken while working with nanotechnology.

9.Antibiotics Resistance

Antibiotics resistance may be another possibility for human extinction. In the ages when there were no antibiotics the microbes had no reason to evolve against. But after the discovery of antibiotics, we were easily able to get rid of illness with the help of these antibiotics, gradually microbes also evolved and it is becoming harder day by day to fight against them day by day. Though some super antibiotics have been developed it still remains a question will the days come back in which a simple cut from paper can make a very ill...….

8.Inversion of Magnetic Poles

Magnetic pole inversion is not an impossible way for extinction. It has happened many times in past before, though we don't need to worry about it shortly and scientists claim that it hasn't been a reason for the extinction of any species so far, but keeping precaution is better than facing it on the day it happens because it may not lead us to extinction but it will bring about big chaos with itself for sure.

7.Artificial Intelligence

Anatomy, Biology, Brain, Thought, Mind, Thinking, Skull

Many science fiction movies have shown that super-advanced robots or computer programs with intelligent thinking(artificial intelligence) have either led to human extinction or attacked us for the control to become a supreme force. Be it the terminator series, Will smith's I-Robot, or Ultron from age of Ultron.

It is a basic natural phenomenon that any intelligent species will want its species to go on and will annihilate any competitor to safeguard its future. Just see in today's world countries fight other countries to safeguard its people if it can happen within species then within different species, it's but natural.

A.I. is not a bad thing if taken good care while building it. It actually can help us advance us in many different ways can make our lives way easier and better but even a single mistake can make that A.I. go out of our control and may even lead them attacking us. Anything related to A.I. must be done with complete care or it may lead to our own destruction.

6.Lack of interest in the topic(Apathy):-

It might sound funny or irrelevant to you but yes, as we haven't faced any species or any drastic event that has ever raised a question to human existence we might not keep any precaution and there might be some species or some phenomena already evolving or occurring which can lead to our destruction.

5.Interstellar apocalypse:-

There are not one but much interstellar reason which could lead to our extinction lets discuss them in brief:-


Asteroids may be very dangerous if they strike head to head upon the earth. Dinosaurs already got extinct due to this phenomenon. An asteroid of a diameter of about 10-100 km will be sufficient to do the job. So, precautions must be taken and are being taken by space organizations such as NASA. 

Do visit Asteroid we must be careful about knowing more about dangerous asteroid which can possibly hit the Earth.


Don't get confused with the element mercury, its the planet mercury.

Scientists have found out that there is a 1% chance that the gravitational pull of Jupiter may make the orbit of the planet unstable. There may be 4 possible outcomes.
It may colloid with the sun, it may be ejected out of the solar system, it may colloid with Venus or it may colloid with Earth. Well, the possibility is very less but still is.

3.Solar Storms:-

Solar storms occur every now and then. Yet no such storms have occurred to date to effect earth abruptly, instances of power grids affected due to solar storms have been recorded, but not more than that. But a strong solar storm may lead to great chaos on earth.

4.Gamma Burst

Gamma-ray burst is a short-lived burst of gamma-ray light having extremely high energy. There is the brightest electromagnetic event known to occur in the universe. It follows a path and if unluckily earth falls in its path then every species on the planet is done for. Well, the possibility of earth falling in its path is extremely low.

5.Alien Invasion

Talking about aliens most of you might think that they do not exist, but wait a second it not only about sci-fi movies now most of the scientists believe that there is a very high possibility of aliens existing and most of them do believe that they might be more advanced than us. This is the reason that scientist like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking has asked us not to send coded signals into outer space because if some more advanced species which is not so friendly get it and somehow can decode it and decides to pay a visit to earth it may lead to a big problem.

4.Resource Exhaustion

Every resource on this earth is limited, and one day or the other they will exhaust.
In today day we are no doubt overexploiting these resources and we need to stop before we use up all these resources. New renewable sources must be found to replace resources like fossil fuels. The resource which on being exhausted can lead to human extinction is water. We know that we have a lot of water on our planet but how much of it is drinkable the freshwater resources are shrinking day by day if we don't do anything about it then we won't survive long.

3.Technological Apocalypse

This includes apocalypse due to inventions done by human beings. Let's check out briefly its major parts:-

1.Nuclear Warfare:-

Many countries in today's date have nuclear power. There is a very small probability the humans themselves will use it against themselves selves but it is not impossible. And if it happens then not extinction(very less probability) but most of the population will die of it and earth will be pushed back to the ancient era followed by a very dark age. 

Also, the latest global Scenario of America attacking Soleimani has led the world into great chaos about will there be world war 3 #wwlll
If it happens then the chance of these nuclear weapons being used increases.

One more threat is that A.I. or alien species hacking the servers and using our weapons against us.

2.Biological and Cyberwarfare

It is a similar threat as nuclear warfare is to us. The only difference is that with this we have more threats from terrorists using it against us.


Large collider is no conventional threat to us rather it's helping us to understand the elemental particle more clearly but there is a possibility that even by mistake we may make a miniature black hole and if that happens it will a big problem to deal with.

2.Over and Under Population:-

Urban, People, Crowd, Citizens, Persons, City

Girl, Walking, Teddy Bear, Child, Walk, Female, Young

In the above two images, we see that one is overpopulated and the other one is underpopulated when you hear overpopulation you do agree that yes this a problem, as we won't, have enough resources to feed them all ecological imbalance will be there and a lot more. But, wait a second under population how can that be the reason for extinction but yes it takes the case of Japan for population basis it has a good population, in fact, the above picture depicting overpopulation is of Japan but its government is so tensed about their youth not marrying and even if they marry not having children's and if is running programs for encouraging their youth to date because if they fail in this, unfortunately, there will no future generation for them.

In advance, this is a major problem of having only one kid or no kids at all if this trend doesn't stop or limits then, unfortunately, we won't have anyone to produce babies...

 1.Natural Calamities

Natural calamities pose one of the greatest threats to human extinction. 3 major natural calamity that can end human species are:-

1.Mega Tsunamis

Every now and there is a tsunami in the world one of the worst was in Japan in 12011. And this was nothing in front of a mega-tsunami. Below is an image showing the destruction in japan after the tsunami.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Matthew M. Bradley [Public domain]

A mega-tsunami can lead to the destruction of human species. While scientists have discovered evidence of a 560 m ancient mega-tsunami, it remains one of the greatest reasons which could lead to human extinction.

2.Super Volcanos

Volcano, Lava, Flowing, Eruption, Landscape, Active

Super Volcano in itself won't be enough to make our species extinct, but it can cause great damage. We will survive but it would cause great chaos in the world, especially the affected area.

3.Global Warming

Warming, Global, Environment, Nature, Earth, Pollution

Global Warming currently is the hottest topic in international media right now. U.N. has already warned the world in 2018 that we only have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe. We must do something because burning to death won't be a pleasant way to die.
The image below shows the melting of icebergs which will cause floods and all coastal regions will sink inside the seas and oceans.

I wish all these possibilities only remain a theory and we never face any apocalyptic disaster.

With this, I bring an end to this blog. Hope you all like it. Stay tuned for more interesting blogs. Do comment on any suggestions and what you would like to hear next time. Please share, follow, and subscribe.
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