Poor education system of young India

Future in threat:-

It is said that the children of any country determine their future. And it is true enough as they are the ones who grow up and contribute to a countries welfare. But today, if we look around what we see, is these young children completely constrained within the boundaries of their educational institution and parenteral pressure to study. Well, let's discuss the main problems and solutions to those problems...


Well before questioning the educational system of our country let's discuss what exactly education means. Its basic meaning is an enlightening experience. Well, it basically means getting a greater understanding or knowledge about any subject or situation.

Now let's discuss the problem and their respective solutions in the modern-day education system..

Problems followed by their solution in the modern-day education system:-

1.Following the same old traditional method of schooling:-

1. For instance, just look at both classrooms from 1923 and one is a modern-day classroom. The most shocking part is that both the classrooms are more or less identical the only good part is the smile on those little faces.

2. Just think for an instance the entire world has transformed since then radio transformed to Television which further transformed into smartphones. There are infinitely countless examples of such transformations but these classrooms remained completely the same.

Suggested Solution:-

Well, there have been certain transformations but it is not enough. Modern smart schools have been established where smart classes are being promoted. But these schools are majorly owned by a private organization which charge loads of money to provide such education and it gets limited to only the elite class of society. Following measures should be taken:-

1. The government should focus on the establishment of more and more smart classrooms.

2. The schools with these classrooms must be funded by the government so that students from weaker sections of society can also use this facility.

3. Government and schools should learn from foreign countries such as Finland, Japan, South Korea, etc. these countries have proved by adapting and evolving what quality can yield.

2. Subjects offered and course selection methodology:-

One of the major problems in the modern-day education system is that in most of the schools only a limited number of subjects are offered. If you check the list of the number of subjects available in any renowned board and no. of courses offered in a school, then you find out that the ratio of no. of subjects provided to no. of subjects available is very low. 

You can never tell which child may excel in which discipline. And due to the lack of subjects available in schools, most of the students don't even get their chance to explore all the subjects. Being able to explore the subjects is not even in the picture, students don't even have many choices to choose from.

Somehow even if there is a choice to choose from, this society does not allow them to choose from. That is the pressure from the society, parents, and teachers to only choose from the so-called mainstream subjects. This is the biggest problem in the modern-day education system.

What exactly does this society mean by the so-called mainstream subjects, referring to the definition of education which is getting to know better about any subject or situation, this thinking completely contradicts with its definition? An average student is not fully free to choose their field of interest.
And by field of interest, I mean any field may it be art, dancing or music, sports or anything else.
The best example of this situation can be Alan walker.

Dj, Music, Headphones, Concert, Show, Spotlights

A guy of age 17 as in 2015 releases a song faded as its DJ and becomes world-famous. One of the most important reasons for his success was his countries education system. He belongs to Norway. And any country should learn from its education system. 

Suggested solution:-

1. More and more no. of subjects must be included in the school's syllabus.

2. Something like talent development and enhancement cells must be established in schools to help students find their hidden talent so that they can work on it and enhance it.

3. This society must change its mindset about the so-called mainstream subjects and should help children find their hidden talent and motivate them to achieve their goals.

3. Excess amount of assignment and home works:-

Not long ago I went to my home for my holidays to my home. I live in a joint family and I have small cousins. What I was shocked to see was the time table of those small kids. They went to school at morning 7 came back at around 5 (as they attend a day boarding school where after 1 they have to stay back in the school up until 5 and study) after coming back they rest for a while then they attend home tuition for about an hour after that day does their school homework than their tuition homework and then they sleep. Now I was shocked where is the time to playtime to explore their interest they are left with no time to explore themselves.

What I was more shocked about was the amount of assignment and homework they used to get. Their average day is all about studying in the school then doing homework in the day boarding then studying in the tuition then again doing homework and it's over.
A girl tensed about the loads of assignment she has

Suggested solutions:-

1. Teachers must focus more on completing things in the class itself than to loading it on the students.

2.E-learning must be promoted to save the time which is wasted on writing notes and assignment.

3.Learning from countries that are banning homework and adopt their methodology of the study.

4.Students to teachers ratio:-

On average, in school or college, this ratio nowadays is very high. For more money, an average school takes over admissions but they do not have the required amount of teachers to fulfill the demand so they allot no. of teachers to more no. of students.

From my personal experience, I know some schools where there are 12-14 sections for a single class and in each class, there are some 65-75 students on average. 

You will be shocked to know that most of the students nowadays just go to school for the sake of going to school, they say that there is nothing that they lean from a school academically. This means in such school they are simply just wasting 8-10 hours of that age in which their mind has maximum growth tendency.

Suggested Solution:-

1. More and more good quality government schools must be established with a balanced intake of students to teachers ratio so that affordable and quality education can be established.

2. Private schools must understand the real meaning of education and start respecting it and make changes in their policies to balance the student to teachers ratio.

5.Appointment of teachers:-

1. Nowadays schools are appointing teachers who don't have the knowledge to teach the students.
They do this because these teacher demands for lesser fees and the institution makes more profit.

2. Sometimes even if the institution's intentions are not wrong they mistakenly appoint some teachers because of their degree and later they prove out to be not a good teacher.

3. With some teachers, the problem is that they do have knowledge but they don't know how to teach or their teaching method is not up to mark.

Suggested Solution:-

1. Again the same problem the institutions must remember their duty and think less of money but more about education.

2. The institution must conduct a proper interview before appointing a teacher so that they don't unknowingly appoint the wrong teachers.

3. The teachers talented enough must learn to adapt and change their methodology of teaching for their and students' bright future.

6.Student-teacher interaction and attitude of students towards the teacher and also vice versa:-

1. Students' and teachers' interaction has always been a problem in the Indian education system. Most of the times even when a student has a doubt in his mind he is reluctant to ask the doubt because he is scared of how the teacher may react or what others may think. This is mainly because of the crude nature of the teacher.

a. There is one major problem in the teachers that is their attitude towards the students. The teachers think that they are always right and they are never willing to listen to the students(not every).

b. And with some teacher, the problem is that if a student tries to correct the teacher they take it as humiliation and deduct marks of that student.

c. The major problem is also teachers have ego problems, their nature to target a particular student is very wrong(personal experience).

d. Incidents of beating students for just some normal issues have lately come into the picture. Which must be completely irradicated.

3. In this thing even the students are not less they also sometimes bully the teacher which is not a good thing. Or even when the teacher tries to give their best the students are not interested during the class and later on blame the teacher which is wrong.

Suggested solution:-

1. Students' and teachers' interaction must increase. The teacher should adopt a friendly nature so that the student is not scared of asking questions to the teacher.

2. Both the teachers and students must change their attitude towards each other. The teacher should not have pride over their knowledge and students must be polite to their teachers.

3. The teacher must never target a particular student or favor any students. The special bond can be understood but while teaching it must not reflect.

4. Beating students must be completely banned. And every school must have a cell to look after this matter.

I wish the education system in India changes soon because the countries future lies completely in the hands of these young ones.

This blog is just a try to tell the world what I feel on this issue. I may be wrong at some points. Please do correct me where ever you may fell I am wrong.
 Before ending this blog I will just leave the last image which according to me explains well what education really should be.

If you look at the picture strategy, innovation, creativity, vision is impossible without an open system where a student is free to choose his field of interest, and even if there is a system without the support of teachers a student is always incomplete. All of this together can only bring a solution.

With this, I end my blog. Do comment on what you feel about it. Do share, follow, and subscribe.
Love you all...

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